Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Loaves & Fishes - A Helping Hand

The website of Loaves and Fishes is a pretty simple website to follow that is informational as well. I like the idea that it tells us about, providing people in need with groceries so that they are able to stack their pantry. Helping others in need is a good idea and for this particular website or organization, you are able to help as well and participate. Loaves and Fishes is funded by nearby religious groups and was made to help with the hunger that kept rising. 

If you would like to help, you simply go to the page where it tells you about volunteer opportunities and you are able to choose something that you would like to do. It seems rather simple and to the point which is something attractive to most people since we like a good cause but we don't like working to hard to achieve a goal. 

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