Friday, February 28, 2014

Hunger Games Ch. 6 - 18

For this part of the book, I was definitely anxious to get straight to the action. My favorite parts of the book are in the last third of it. However, in this section we get to see how they train and a small peak of what may happen in the future. Peeta and Katniss both have to show their skills when training and we can see that they both have some survival skills - things that will come in handy once they get into the real games. One of the biggest parts, however, is the part where they get their scores for showing the Gamemakers their skills. Because of Katniss's spunk and attitude, she earns herself a higher score than the rest while Peeta is left with a smaller score, surprising everyone. However, this will make her the prey of the rest of the competitors since taking down the best is the best method to keep from being killed by them.

Another part that we get to see is when they get their interviews and Peeta spills out his feelings for Katniss. Now for this part, I saw it coming from the moment Peeta was introduced in the book since a cliché love story is always there for teen literature. I personally don't like the idea of just sprinkling in a romance story when it could be focusing more on the seriousness of the games. And of course we get this sort of conflicted Katniss since she claims not to love Peeta and thinks herself self-sufficient, but obviously she will fall for him at some point. At one part she even says, "For some reason Gale and Peeta do not coexist well together in my thoughts." So, we can already see what may come in the future - or what I'm guessing at least.

Once the games start, it's all killing and survival and basically the weaker, not-too-important-characters are killed off. The only parts that I favor at this point are the moments between Katniss and the little girl named Rue since I find it endearing. What's funny though is that Katniss neglected to trust Peeta when he was being nice because she claimed that he was only trying to think of ways to kill her while with Rue she easily gave in and treated her like part of her family. The relationship between them is similar to her relationship with her own sister, making it an important one since Prim is Katniss's weakness. The fact that Rue dies in the end is rather unfortunate and probably the best part of the book since it was realistic in a way and touching to see that Katniss still put flowers all around her to honor her.

After this we are left at the beginning of part three where the victor is to be decided. However, this time Katniss is to team up with Peeta to win.


  1. I think it's interesting you don't like the romance part of the book. I never stopped to consider whether the book could be better without it. Like you said, I think it's necessary for the genre and part of the reason the series is so popular.

  2. I relate with what you said about the romance in the book! It didn't really feel convincing and I felt like it was so unimportant to the rest of the plot.

  3. I agree with you about the romance part as well it almost seems fake to me...i think it would be better if they fixed it or left it out some how
